Customer Testimonials

"I just wanted to thank you for the excellent job you did on my 2009 VW CC last week. The dent on the driver's side, rear fender is barely, barely noticeable, and, if you didn't know where to look, you wouldn't even see where it was dented. Excellent work! Thank you very much." ~ Bob S.

"Jason removed multiple driver-side door dents and dings from my car and all in under 90 minutes. He came right to my office and took care of it promptly and professionally. I highly recommend him to anyone looking for paintless dent removal!" ~ M. Lannen - Montpelier, VT

“…Jason I just wanted to thank you for what a great job you did on my truck. You can’t even tell the dent was there. Thanks again.”
~ Gene P. - Brandon, VT

“Jason, I just wanted to take some time and thank you again for a very professional job you did on my Lexus. Best of luck to you and I will definitely use you again no questions asked!” ~ Josh J.

The Dent Guy, LLC. Barre, VT (802) 839-0655 or VT Toll Free 742-7256